The Prayers


Entry wrote: 4.13a.m

i just woke up. i cant sleep. so, i take my ablution or wudhu n i perform my solah. solat sunat hajat.

so, just wana write something about me.
We as a muslim need to perform our solah 5 times a day. Its compulsary for a muslim.
For some people they take for granted their duty to God. Some people did perform their solah but not complete. Maybe some of them just perform 3 solah out of 5 solah.
I, Sheikh Mohamed Kamal, need to make a confession out here.
Im not a very good man or religious. But im trying to be good and to not skip my solah.
Usually after solah, we say our doa to God. What we want in our life.
So, i do say my doa to God. Usually i mention this name in my doa; abah, mak, my sister,yana, and Atiqah.
To mak, abah and yana. I always ask to God for them to have a long life with a good health, a bountiful life, and them be with good people and ends up in heaven.
For Atiqah,
I always pray to God, maybe sounded like this; "Ya Allah, kau tetapkanlah jodoh kami berdua. Kau simpanlah dia untuk aku di masa akan datang:. I also ask to God that we will have a good relationship, happy together and a better understanding with each other. I also pray to God, I ask Him to give Adilah a happy nice wonderful life with or without me.
I asked myself. Why should i pray for her? I answered, its because I need to pray for them that I love. Even Atiqah and I were not meant together, if i still love and care for her, i'll always pray for her.
For me, I always pray to God for me to be a better person, maybe, a little taller, bigger and handsome. hahaha...

Maybe its because Atiqah were always asking me to be that kind of guy. Her Dream Guy. I want to be her Dream Guy even i know that im not the one, but i know she loves me. So, im trying my best to be the best for her.
Alternative way, always pray to God!
I love Atiqah as much as I love myself n my parents!


Anonymous said...


u kinda got mix up with the names thou..
better check back this post yah..

ada 2 nama situ..heheh..

take care :)

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